Engelsk ordbog

Tip: Jokertegn må gerne anvendes flere gange i hver søgning.

Engelsk navneord: apocalypse

1. apocalypse (om begivenhed) a cosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil

Mindre specifikke termercalamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, tragedy

2. Apocalypse (om kommunikation) the last book of the New Testament; contains visionary descriptions of heaven and of conflicts between good and evil and of the end of the world; attributed to Saint John the Apostle

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)Book of Revelation, Revelation, Revelation of Saint John the Divine

Eksempler på forekomster af mindre specifikke termerbook

Omfatter disse overordnede termerNew Testament

Indenfor samme emneområdeFour Horsemen

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