Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: scientific theory

1. scientific theory (om erkendelse) a theory that explains scientific observations

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningScientific theories must be falsifiable.

Mindre specifikke termertheory

Mere specifikke termerArrhenius theory of dissociation, association theory, associationism, atomic theory, atomism, big bang theory, big-bang theory, cell doctrine, cell theory, configurationism, continuous creation theory, corpuscular theory, corpuscular theory of light, Einstein's theory of relativity, evolutionism, functionalism, game theory, germ theory, Gestalt psychology, gravitational theory, indeterminacy principle, information theory, kinetic theory, kinetic theory of gases, nebular hypothesis, Newton's theory of gravitation, organicism, Ostwald's theory of indicators, planetesimal hypothesis, quantum theory, relativity, relativity theory, steady state theory, supersymmetry, theory of dissociation, theory of electrolytic dissociation, theory of evolution, theory of games, theory of gravitation, theory of gravity, theory of indicators, theory of inheritance, theory of organic evolution, theory of relativity, uncertainty principle, undulatory theory, wave theory, wave theory of light

Omfatter disse overordnede termerscience, scientific discipline

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