Engelsk navneord: cottontail rabbit |
1. | cottontail rabbit (om dyr) common small rabbit of North America having greyish or brownish fur and a tail with a white underside; a host for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks) |
| Termer med samme betydning (synonymer) | cottontail, wood rabbit |
| Mindre specifikke termer | coney, cony, rabbit |
| Mere specifikke termer | canecutter, eastern cottontail, marsh hare, swamp hare, swamp rabbit, swamp rabbit, Sylvilagus aquaticus, Sylvilagus floridanus, Sylvilagus palustris |
| Omfatter disse specifikke termer | hare, rabbit |
| Tilhører disse overordnede termer | genus Sylvilagus, Sylvilagus |