Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: statistics

1. statistics (om erkendelse) a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters

Mindre specifikke termerapplied math, applied mathematics

Mere specifikke termerbiometrics, biometry, biostatistics, correlation, correlational statistics, nonparametric statistics

Omfatter disse specifikke termerstatistical method, statistical procedure

Indenfor samme emneområdeactuary, analysis of variance, ANOVA, arithmetic mean, average, average, average, average, Bayes' postulate, Bayes' theorem, bell-shaped curve, Bernoulli distribution, Bernoulli's law, bimodal, binomial distribution, binomial theorem, biserial correlation, biserial correlation coefficient, centile, chance-half correlation, co-vary, coefficient of concordance, coefficient of correlation, correlation, correlation coefficient, correlation matrix, correlation table, correlational analysis, covariance, covariation, cross section, curvilinear correlation, curvilinear regression, decile, degree of freedom, demographic, dependent variable, deviation, direct correlation, distribution, distribution free statistic, ergodic, expectation, expected value, experimental variable, factor analysis, first moment, first-order correlation, fourfold point correlation, frequency distribution, Gaussian curve, Gaussian distribution, Gaussian shape, geometric mean, grab sample, harmonic mean, independent variable, indirect correlation, information theory, Kendall partial rank correlation, Kendall rank correlation, Kendall test, Kendall's tau, law of large numbers, least squares, linear regression, mean, mean, mean deviation, mean deviation from the mean, mean value, median, median, median value, method of least squares, modal, modal value, mode, moment, multicollinearity, multiple correlation, multiple correlation coefficient, multiple regression, multivariate, multivariate analysis, negative correlation, nonlinear correlation, nonparametric, nonparametric statistic, nonsignificant, norm, normal curve, normal distribution, outlier, parametric statistic, partial correlation, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, percentile, phi coefficient, phi correlation, Poisson distribution, population, positive correlation, predictor variable, probability theory, product-moment correlation coefficient, proportional sample, quartile, random sample, random sample, rank-difference correlation, rank-difference correlation coefficient, rank-order correlation, rank-order correlation coefficient, rectilinear regression, regression, regression analysis, regression coefficient, regression curve, regression equation, regression line, regression of y on x, regression toward the mean, representative sample, sample, sample distribution, sampling, sampling, second moment, significant, simple regression, skew correlation, split-half correlation, spurious correlation, standard deviation, statistic, statistical distribution, statistical method, statistical procedure, statistical regression, statistician, stochastic, stratified sample, subnormal, subpopulation, supernormal, tau coefficient of correlation, tetrachoric correlation, tetrachoric correlation coefficient, theory of probability, time series, unimodal, universe, variance, vital statistics, weight, weighting

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