Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk tillægsord: breathing

1. breathing passing or able to pass air in and out of the lungs normally; sometimes used in combination

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe boy was disappointed to find only skeletons instead of living breathing dinosaurs.
The heavy-breathing person on the telephone.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)eupneic, eupnoeic

Termer med lignende betydningsweet-breathed

Termer med modsat betydning (antonymer)breathless, dyspneal, dyspneic, dyspnoeal, dyspnoeic

Engelsk navneord: breathing

1. breathing (om handling) the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)external respiration, respiration, ventilation

Mindre specifikke termeractivity, bodily function, bodily process, body process

Mere specifikke termerabdominal breathing, artificial respiration, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, eupnea, eupnoea, heaving, hyperpnea, hyperventilation, hypopnea, panting, periodic breathing, second wind, smoke, smoking, sniffle, snivel, snore, snoring, snuffle, stertor, wheeze

Omfatter disse specifikke termeraspiration, breathing in, breathing out, exhalation, expiration, inhalation, inspiration, intake

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