Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: United States Department of Defense

1. United States Department of Defense (om gruppe) the federal department responsible for safeguarding national security of the United States; created in 1947

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)Defense, Defense Department, Department of Defense, DoD

Mindre specifikke termerexecutive department

Omfatter disse specifikke termerAir Force, Army, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, BMDO, Casualty Care Research Center, CCRC, DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Defense Information Systems Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Technical Information Center, Department of Defense Laboratory System, DIA, DISA, DTIC, LABLINK, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy, NGA, NRO, NSA, U. S. Air Force, U. S. Army, United States Air Force, United States Army, United States Navy, US Air Force, US Army, US Navy, USA, USAF, USN

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