Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: MI

1. MI (om tilstand) destruction of heart tissue resulting from obstruction of the blood supply to the heart muscle

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)myocardial infarct, myocardial infarction

Mindre specifikke termerinfarct, infarction

Omfatter disse overordnede termerheart attack

2. mi (om mængde el. mål) a former British unit of length equivalent to 6,080 feet (1,853.184 meters); 800 feet longer than a statute mile

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)Admiralty mile, geographical mile, mile, naut mi, nautical mile

Mindre specifikke termernautical linear unit

3. mi (om mængde el. mål) a unit of length used in navigation; exactly 1,852 meters; historically based on the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)air mile, international nautical mile, knot, mile, naut mi, nautical mile

Mindre specifikke termernautical linear unit

4. mi (om mængde el. mål) a unit of length equal to 1,760 yards or 5,280 feet; exactly 1609.344 meters

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)international mile, land mile, mile, stat mi, statute mile

Mindre specifikke termerlinear measure, linear unit

Omfatter disse specifikke termer440 yards, 880 yards, furlong, half mile, quarter mile

Omfatter disse overordnede termerleague

5. MI (om sted) a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)Great Lakes State, Michigan, Wolverine State

Eksempler på forekomster af mindre specifikke termerAmerican state

Omfatter disse specifikke termerAlpena, Ann Arbor, capital of Michigan, Detroit, Detroit River, Flint, Grand Rapids, Grand River, Houghton, Isle Royal National Park, Jackson, Lake Saint Clair, Lake St. Clair, Lansing, Lower Peninsula, Mackinac Bridge, Marquette, Monroe, Motor City, Motown, Traverse City, Upper Peninsula

Omfatter disse overordnede termerAmerica, middle west, Midwest, midwestern United States, the States, U.S., U.S.A., United States, United States of America, US, USA

6. MI (om gruppe) the government agency in the United Kingdom that is responsible for internal security and counterintelligence on British territory

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)Military Intelligence Section 5, Security Service

Mindre specifikke termerinternational intelligence agency

Overordnet (geografisk) regionBritain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

7. MI (om gruppe) the government agency in the United Kingdom that is responsible for internal security and counterintelligence overseas

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)Military Intelligence Section 6, Secret Intelligence Service

Mindre specifikke termerinternational intelligence agency

Overordnet (geografisk) regionBritain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

8. mi (om kommunikation) the syllable naming the third (mediant) note of any major scale in solmization

Mindre specifikke termersolfa syllable

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