Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: infusion

1. infusion (om masse el. substans) a solution obtained by steeping or soaking a substance (usually in water)

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)extract

Mindre specifikke termersolution

Mere specifikke termerbeef tea, black catechu, Bovril, catechu, pancreatin

2. infusion (om proces) the process of extracting certain active properties (as a drug from a plant) by steeping or soaking (usually in water)

Mindre specifikke termerextraction

3. infusion (om handling) (medicine) the passive introduction of a substance (a fluid or drug or electrolyte) into a vein or between tissues (as by gravitational force)

Mindre specifikke termerinstillation, instillment, instilment

Overordnet emneområdemedical specialty, medicine

4. infusion (om handling) the act of infusing or introducing a certain modifying element or quality

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe team's continued success is attributable to a steady infusion of new talent.

Mindre specifikke termerchange of state

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