Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: breadbasket

1. breadbasket (om sted) a geographic region serving as the principal source of grain

Mindre specifikke termerregion

2. breadbasket (i anatomi) an enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestion

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)stomach, tum, tummy

Mindre specifikke termerinternal organ, viscus

Mere specifikke termerabomasum, craw, crop, first stomach, fourth stomach, omasum, psalterium, reticulum, rumen, second stomach, third stomach

Omfatter disse specifikke termerarteria gastrica, epigastric fossa, gastric artery, gastric vein, gastroepiploic vein, gastroomental vein, pit of the stomach, vena gastrica, vena gastroomentalis

Omfatter disse overordnede termeralimentary canal, alimentary tract, digestive tract, digestive tube, gastrointestinal tract, GI tract

3. breadbasket (om genstand) a basket for serving bread

Mindre specifikke termerbasket, handbasket

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