Engelsk ordbog

Info: Dette websted er baseret på WordNet fra Princeton University.

Engelsk navneord: milk thistle

1. milk thistle (om plante) any of several Old World coarse prickly-leaved shrubs and subshrubs having milky juice and yellow flowers; widely naturalized; often noxious weeds in cultivated soil

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)sow thistle

Mindre specifikke termerbush, shrub

Mere specifikke termermilkweed, Sonchus oleraceus

Tilhører disse overordnede termergenus Sonchus, Sonchus

2. milk thistle (om plante) tall Old World biennial thistle with large clasping white-blotched leaves and purple flower heads; naturalized in California and South America

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)blessed thistle, holy thistle, lady's thistle, Our Lady's mild thistle, Silybum marianum

Mindre specifikke termerherb, herbaceous plant

Tilhører disse overordnede termergenus Silybum, Silybum

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