Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: excavation

1. excavation (om handling) the act of digging

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThere's an interesting excavation going on near Princeton.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)dig, digging

Mindre specifikke termercreating by removal

2. excavation (om sted) the site of an archeological exploration

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThey set up camp next to the dig.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)archeological site, dig

Mindre specifikke termerland site, site

Eksempler på forekomster af mere specifikke termerByblos

Overordnet emneområdearchaeology, archeology

3. excavation (om genstand) a hole in the ground made by excavating

Mindre specifikke termerartefact, artifact

Mere specifikke termerbore, bore-hole, cellar, delf, diggings, digs, ditch, drill hole, mine, mineshaft, pit, pool, quarry, root cellar, stone pit, well, working, workings

4. excavation (om handling) the act of extracting ores or coal etc from the earth

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)mining

Mindre specifikke termerproduction

Mere specifikke termeropencast mining, placer mining, strip mining

Indenfor samme emneområdebore, bore-hole, drift, drill hole, drive, extract, fathom, fthm, gallery, heading, hush, hush, mine, opencast, opencut, rag, strip mine, surface mine, surface-mine

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