Engelsk ordbok

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Engelsk substantiv: cultivation

1. cultivation (om handling) socialization through training and education to develop one's mind or manners

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningHer cultivation was remarkable.

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkacculturation, enculturation, socialisation, socialization

2. cultivation (om handling) (agriculture) production of food by preparing the land to grow crops (especially on a large scale)

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkproduction

Mere spesifikke uttrykkagriculture, apiculture, aquaculture, beekeeping, culture, farming, husbandry, tilling

Overordnet kategoriagriculture, farming, husbandry

3. cultivation (om tilstand) a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThey performed with great polish.
I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose.
Almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art.

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)culture, finish, polish, refinement

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkflawlessness, ne plus ultra, perfection

4. cultivation (om prosess) the process of fostering the growth of something

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe cultivation of bees for honey.

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkdevelopment, growing, growth, maturation, ontogenesis, ontogeny

5. cultivation (om handling) the act of raising or growing plants (especially on a large scale)

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkproduction

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