Engelsk ordbok

Tips: Spørsmålstegn (?) kan anvendes som jokertegn (wild card). Spørsmålstegnet erstatter et tegn.

Engelsk substantiv: doodad

1. doodad (om gjenstand) something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningShe eased the ball-shaped doodad back into its socket.
There may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use.

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)doohickey, doojigger, gimmick, gismo, gizmo, gubbins, thingamabob, thingamajig, thingmabob, thingmajig, thingumabob, thingumajig, thingummy, whatchamacallit, whatchamacallum, whatsis, widget

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