English dictionary

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English noun: inebriant

1. inebriant (food) a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent

SamplesAlcohol (or drink) ruined him.

Synonymsalcohol, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, intoxicant

Broader (hypernym)beverage, drink, drinkable, drug of abuse, potable, street drug

Narrower (hyponym)aperitif, booze, brew, brewage, cordial, ethyl alcohol, hard cider, hard drink, hard liquor, home brew, homebrew, hooch, hootch, John Barleycorn, kava, kavakava, koumiss, kumis, liqueur, liquor, mixed drink, neutral spirits, nipa, perry, proof spirit, pulque, rice beer, rotgut, sake, saki, slug, spirits, strong drink, vino, wine

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