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English adjective: verbal

1. verbal communicated in the form of words

SamplesVerbal imagery.
A verbal protest.

Similarcommunicative, communicatory

Antonymsincommunicative, uncommunicative

2. verbal of or relating to or formed from words in general

SamplesVerbal ability.

3. verbal of or relating to or formed from a verb

SamplesVerbal adjectives like `running' in `hot and cold running water'.

4. verbal relating to or having facility in the use of words

SamplesA good poet is a verbal artist.
A merely verbal writer who sacrifices content to sound.
Verbal aptitude.

Antonymsmathematical, numerical

5. verbal expressed in spoken words

SamplesA verbal contract.



6. verbal prolix

SamplesYou put me to forget a lady's manners by being so verbal.


Domain usagearchaicism, archaism


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