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English noun: stratum

1. stratum (location) one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another (such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism or a layer of sedimentary rock)

Broader (hypernym)layer

Narrower (hyponym)bed, bed, cambium, corium, corneum, cuticle, derma, dermis, epidermis, horizon, horny layer, malpighian layer, paries, rete Malpighii, seam, stratum basale, stratum corneum, stratum germinativum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, substrate, substratum, superstrate, superstratum, wall

Domain categorybeing, organism

2. stratum (group) people having the same social, economic, or educational status

SamplesThe working class.
An emerging professional class.

Synonymsclass, social class, socio-economic class

Broader (hypernym)people

Narrower (hyponym)age class, agriculture, booboisie, bourgeoisie, brotherhood, caste, caste, center, commonality, commonalty, commons, craft, demimonde, domain, estate, estate of the realm, fair sex, firing line, fraternity, immigrant class, labor, labour, lower class, market, middle class, ninja, old school, peasantry, proletariat, sodality, the three estates, trade, underclass, underworld, upper class, upper crust, woman, womanhood, working class, world, yeomanry

Part meronymsociety

Member meronymclass structure

3. stratum (cognition) an abstract place usually conceived as having depth

SamplesA good actor communicates on several levels.
A simile has at least two layers of meaning.
The mind functions on many strata simultaneously.

Synonymslayer, level

Broader (hypernym)place

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