English dictionary

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English adjective: operative

1. operative being in force or having or exerting force

SamplesOperative regulations.
The major tendencies operative in the American political system.

Similareffective, good, in effect, in force, in operation, operant, operating, operational, working


2. operative relating to or requiring or amenable to treatment by surgery especially as opposed to medicine

SamplesA surgical appendix.
A surgical procedure.
Operative dentistry.


Similarpostoperative, preoperative


3. operative effective; producing a desired effect

SamplesThe operative word.

Similarimportant, significant

Antonymsunimportant, insignificant

4. operative (of e.g. a machine) performing or capable of performing

SamplesIn running (or working) order.
A functional set of brakes.

Synonymsfunctional, running, working


Antonymsmalfunctioning, nonfunctional

English noun: operative

1. operative (person) a person secretly employed in espionage for a government

Synonymsintelligence agent, intelligence officer, secret agent

Broader (hypernym)agent

Narrower (hyponym)agent provocateur, agent-in-place, bridge agent, case officer, codetalker, foot, NOC, provocateur, spy, undercover agent, walk-in, windtalker

2. operative (person) someone who can be employed as a detective to collect information

SynonymsPI, private detective, private eye, private investigator, shamus, sherlock

Broader (hypernym)detective

Narrower (hyponym)hotel detective, house detective, house dick, inquiry agent, store detective

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