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English adjective: incompetent

1. incompetent legally not qualified or sufficient

SamplesA wife is usually considered unqualified to testify against her husband.
Incompetent witnesses.


Domain categoryjurisprudence, law


2. incompetent not qualified or suited for a purpose

SamplesAn incompetent secret service.
The filming was hopeless incompetent.

Similarfeckless, ineffective, inefficient, inept, unworkmanlike

See alsoinefficient, unqualified, unskilled


3. incompetent showing lack of skill or aptitude

SamplesA bungling workman.
Did a clumsy job.
His fumbling attempt to put up a shelf.

Synonymsbungling, clumsy, fumbling



4. incompetent not doing a good job

SamplesIncompetent at chess.




5. incompetent not meeting requirements

SamplesUnequal to the demands put upon him.

Synonymsincapable, unequal to

Similarinadequate, unequal

Antonymsadequate, equal

English noun: incompetent

1. incompetent (person) someone who is not competent to take effective action

Synonymsincompetent person

Broader (hypernym)unskilled person

Narrower (hyponym)blunderer, botcher, bumbler, bungler, butcher, fuckup, fumbler, sad sack, slouch, stumbler

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