English dictionary

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English noun: fete

1. fete (event) an elaborate party (often outdoors)

Synonymsfeast, fiesta

Broader (hypernym)party

Narrower (hyponym)luau, potlatch

2. fete (act) an organized series of acts and performances (usually in one place)

SamplesA drama festival.


Broader (hypernym)celebration, festivity

Narrower (hyponym)Bacchanalia, carnival, Dionysia, eisteddfod, film festival, jazz festival, Kwanza, Kwanzaa, Oktoberfest, Saturnalia, sheepshearing

English verb: fete

1. fete (social) have a celebration

SamplesThey were feting the patriarch of the family.
After the exam, the students were celebrating.


Pattern of useSomebody ----s.
Somebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody

Broader (hypernym)get together, meet

Narrower (hyponym)jollify, jubilate, make happy, make merry, make whoopie, party, racket, receive, revel, wassail, whoop it up

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