English dictionary

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English adjective: alto

1. alto of or being the lowest female voice


Similarlow, low-pitched

Antonymshigh-pitched, high

2. alto of or being the highest male voice; having a range above that of tenor


Similarhigh, high-pitched

Antonymslow-pitched, low

3. alto (of a musical instrument) second highest member of a group

SamplesAlto clarinet or recorder.

Similarhigh, high-pitched

Domain categorymusic

Antonymslow-pitched, low

English noun: alto

1. alto (person) a singer whose voice lies in the alto clef

Broader (hypernym)singer, vocaliser, vocalist, vocalizer

Narrower (hyponym)countertenor

2. alto (communication) the lowest female singing voice


Broader (hypernym)singing voice

3. alto (communication) the highest adult male singing voice


Broader (hypernym)singing voice

4. alto (attribute) (of a musical instrument) the second highest instrument in a family of musical instruments

Broader (hypernym)pitch

5. alto (attribute) the pitch range of the lowest female voice

Broader (hypernym)pitch

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