English dictionary

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English noun: prodigy

1. prodigy (person) an unusually gifted or intelligent (young) person; someone whose talents excite wonder and admiration

SamplesShe is a chess prodigy.

Broader (hypernym)brain, brainiac, Einstein, genius, mastermind

Narrower (hyponym)boy wonder, child prodigy, girl wonder, infant prodigy, wonder child

2. prodigy (event) a sign of something about to happen

SamplesHe looked for an omen before going into battle.

Synonymsomen, portent, presage, prognostic, prognostication

Broader (hypernym)augury, foretoken, preindication, sign

Narrower (hyponym)auspice, death knell, foreboding

3. prodigy (cognition) an impressive or wonderful example of a particular quality

SamplesThe Marines are expected to perform prodigies of valor.

Broader (hypernym)example, exemplar, good example, model

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