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English noun: grandness

1. grandness (state) a prominent status

SamplesA person of importance.


Broader (hypernym)standing

Narrower (hyponym)accent, emphasis, primacy

2. grandness (attribute) unusual largeness in size or extent or number

Synonymsenormousness, greatness, immenseness, immensity, sizeableness, vastness, wideness

Broader (hypernym)bigness, largeness

Narrower (hyponym)enormity

3. grandness (attribute) the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand

SamplesFor magnificence and personal service there is the Queen's hotel.
His `Hamlet' lacks the brilliance that one expects.
It is the university that gives the scene its stately splendor.
An imaginative mix of old-fashioned grandeur and colorful art.
Advertisers capitalize on the grandness and elegance it brings to their products.

Synonymsbrilliance, grandeur, magnificence, splendor, splendour

Broader (hypernym)elegance

Narrower (hyponym)eclat

4. grandness (attribute) splendid or imposing in size or appearance

SamplesThe grandness of the architecture.
Impressed by the richness of the flora.

Synonymsimpressiveness, magnificence, richness

Broader (hypernym)excellence

Narrower (hyponym)expansiveness, expansivity, loftiness, majesty, stateliness

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