English dictionary

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English noun: shear

1. shear (phenomenon) (physics) a deformation of an object in which parallel planes remain parallel but are shifted in a direction parallel to themselves

SamplesThe shear changed the quadrilateral into a parallelogram.

Broader (hypernym)deformation

Domain categorynatural philosophy, physics

2. shear (artifact) a large edge tool that cuts sheet metal by passing a blade through it

Broader (hypernym)edge tool

English verb: shear

1. shear (contact) cut with shears

SamplesShear hedges.

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)clip, crop, cut back, dress, lop, prune, snip, trim

2. shear (contact) shear the wool from

SamplesShear sheep.


Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)shave, trim

3. shear (contact) cut or cut through with shears

SamplesShear the wool off the lamb.

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)cut

4. shear (change) become deformed by forces tending to produce a shearing strain

Pattern of useSomething ----s

Broader (hypernym)change

Domain categorynatural philosophy, physics

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