Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: radiation

1. radiation (om fænomen) energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays or waves or particles

Mindre specifikke termerenergy, free energy

Mere specifikke termercosmic radiation, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, ionizing radiation, nonparticulate radiation, solar radiation

2. radiation (om handling) the act of spreading outward from a central source

Mindre specifikke termeremanation, emission

Mere specifikke termerbombardment

3. radiation (om tilstand) syndrome resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation (e.g., exposure to radioactive chemicals or to nuclear explosions); low doses cause diarrhea and nausea and vomiting and sometimes loss of hair; greater exposure can cause sterility and cataracts and some forms of cancer and other diseases; severe exposure can cause death within hours

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningHe was suffering from radiation.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)radiation sickness, radiation syndrome

Mindre specifikke termersyndrome

4. radiation (om proces) the spontaneous emission of a stream of particles or electromagnetic rays in nuclear decay

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)radioactivity

Mindre specifikke termeremission

Mere specifikke termercorpuscular radiation, particulate radiation

5. radiation (om begivenhed) the spread of a group of organisms into new habitats

Mindre specifikke termeraction, activity, natural action, natural process, spread, spreading

Mere specifikke termeradaptive radiation

6. radiation (i anatomi) a radial arrangement of nerve fibers connecting different parts of the brain

Mindre specifikke termerneural structure

7. radiation (om handling) (medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)actinotherapy, irradiation, radiation therapy, radiotherapy

Mindre specifikke termertherapy

Mere specifikke termerCurietherapy, phototherapy, radium therapy, X-ray therapy

Overordnet emneområdemedical specialty, medicine

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