Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: sensationalism

1. sensationalism (om kommunikation) subject matter that is calculated to excite and please vulgar tastes

Mindre specifikke termercontent, message, subject matter, substance

Kendetegnersensational, unsensational

2. sensationalism (om kommunikation) the journalistic use of subject matter that appeals to vulgar tastes

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe tabloids relied on sensationalism to maintain their circulation.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)luridness

Mindre specifikke termerjournalese

3. sensationalism (om erkendelse) (philosophy) the ethical doctrine that feeling is the only criterion for what is good

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)sensualism

Mindre specifikke termerphilosophical doctrine, philosophical theory

Overordnet emneområdephilosophy

4. sensationalism (om erkendelse) (philosophy) the doctrine that knowledge derives from experience

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)empiricism, empiricist philosophy

Mindre specifikke termerphilosophical doctrine, philosophical theory

Mere specifikke termerBritish empiricism, experimentalism, logical positivism, positivism

Overordnet emneområdephilosophy

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